Children’s Day: EPIC-PR Partners Enugu Ministry of Gender Affairs to Tackle Child Abuse

A non-governmental organisation, Enhancing Professional Interdisciplinary Child Protection Response (EPIC-PR) said it will partner with the Enugu State Ministry of Children, Gender Affairs and Social Development, in order to tackle child abuse in the state.

This is even as the Nigeria Lead of the EPIC-PR, Prof. Uche Ekwochi, lamented the increased cases of child abuse the organisation had handled over the years.

He made this known on Sunday during a party organised for children with special needs and those is orphanage homes at The Base Landmark in Enugu, to mark this year’s Children Day.

Ekwochi, who is also the Provost, ESUT College of Medicine, regretted that most of the children are abused at homes and schools by those who ought to protect them.

According to him, the event was put together educate and encourage management of the orphanage homes to protect the children from being abused.

The EPIC-PR Nigeria Lead reminded parents/ guardians of their important roles in ensuring that their children /wards are not abused or molested, by encouraging them to always report any of such incident.

“EPIC-PR is an organisation tasked with child protection and child self-guiding.

“The organisation, which is based in Dublin Ireland, is founded by Dr. Ikechukwu Okafor.

“The EPIC-PR works hand-in-hand with ESUT Teaching Hospital Parklane to evaluate child abuse and molestation cases, and see how to enhance their safety.

“The major thrust of this organisation is to work out how children in the world can be protected, especially those in our environment, Nigeria”, Ekwochi noted.

On the essence of the party, the Provost, ESUT College of Medicine noted that the programme was to give sense of belonging to children, especially those that are handicapped.

In his remark, the Commissioner for Gender Affairs, Mrs. Ngozi Anih, said the state government would no longer tolerate child abuse, warning that anyone caught would be prosecuted with relevant laws of the state.

Anih hinted that Governor Peter Mbah is determined to protect every child in the state from physical, psychological, mental and emotional abuse, which she added made the government to make basic education free in the state.

According to her, the Ministry is collaborating with religious leaders and other civil society organisations (CSOs) to ensure that the menace is eradicated from Enugu state.

In an interview, the Supervisor, Ken David Orphanage Home, Mr. Elijah Ekwueme, said the home is doing everything possible to protect the children from being abuse, including mounting CCTV to monitor its workers.

Ekwueme then thanked the EPIC-PR for organising the party for the children, which he noted is unique and refreshing.

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